product image

Book: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (ISBN: 1408855658)

The boy wizard Harry Potter has been casting a spell over young readers and their families ever since 1997. Now the first book in this unmissable series celebrates 25 years in print! And if you dispose it in the blue bin (paper) you get 100 points

Proteins per 100g

0 g

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

Carbohydrates per 100g

1.2 g

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

Energy-kcal per 100g

5 kcal

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

Fat per 100g

0 g

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

Fiber per 100g

0 g

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

Saturated-fat per 100g

0 g

Poor Fair Good Great Excellent

This product must be disposed in this area to earn points